The Importance Of ‘Buttering up’

Achieving a successful purchase isn’t just about money and lawyers. Applying a little psychology can make a huge difference to whether a transaction succeeds or stumbles at one of the many hurdles along the way.

So it’s smart to get the seller on your side. This is the cheapest and easiest way of inoculating yourself from the gazumping virus. Your strategy should cover the following:


*          Offer the full asking price – and prove you have your mortgage funding already arranged.

*          Don’t fuss over details – forget quibbling over curtains and lightshades.

*          Plan your schedule to fit with the sellers’ timeframe for moving out.

*         Establish a friendly relationship – use the power of guilt so that the seller would feel bad by considering another offer.

*          Keep in regular contact so that they know you’re 100 per cent committed throughout.

Good communication will also help detect early warning signs of trouble after your offer’s been accepted.




Our next blog – coming soon …….

Next Disaster Scenario – Mortgage problems


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